Dental Implants: Facts

Dental Implants Fact Sheet

Modern dental implants can give people with missing or damaged teeth a second chance to restore the full, healthy smile they once had. Dental implants at All on 4 Dental Implants Center look, feel and function just like your natural teeth, giving you back a radiant smile that is certain to leave a lasting impression on all those you meet.

For a better understanding about how dental implants work and to see if they are right for you, here are a few facts and figures:

Who are good candidates for dental implants?

Most people are eligible for dental implants, and there is no age limit for the procedure. Even those who are limited by inadequate bone density or an uneven bite can proceed with dental implants after receiving a bone grafting procedure to restore bone tissue in the jaw.

Dental-Implants1even if you might not be the ideal candidate now, a bone or tissue regeneration procedure can help you build the foundation for your dental implants in a short amount of time. In any case, a consultation with a certified periodontist will help determine whether or not you are eligible for dental implants.

How long do dental implants last?

Of all body part replacement procedures, dental implants have proven to be the most successful with a 96% success rate over 10 years. For comparison purposes, hip replacements have a 75% success rate, and knee replacements have just a 50% success rate over the same time period.

When is the ideal time to get dental implants?

Although anytime is a good time to start a conversation with your periodontist about dental implants, the implants themselves are best placed soon after the tooth or teeth are lost since that is when you have the most bone available to work with. If you wait too long, your bone may deteriorate and a bone grafting procedure would be required, which could require a longer recovery and additional cost.

Can dental implants stop bone loss?

Yes! Implant placement can stop alveolar atrophy because of the physiological stimulation of the jawbone. In order to maintain the proper health of your bone tissue with or without dental implants, however, good oral hygiene is a must.

Does the dental implant procedure and recovery hurt?

A local anesthetic is used during your dental implant procedure, and there should be no pain involved in the process. A simple over-the-counter pain medication should suffice for any discomfort after your surgery.

Will I be missing teeth while I wait for a crown to be put in?

After your dental implant surgery, the implant may need time to fuse to the bone. The time between your dental implant surgery and prosthetic teeth placement can range anywhere from 0 to 6 months.

Temporary bridges or partial dentures will replace any missing teeth during the transition, and you will never have to worry about showing missing teeth when leaving our office. A final crown is usually placed within a few short months.

What is the difference between a dental implant and a bridge or partial denture?

Dental implants replace the tooth or teeth you have lost without causing damage to any adjacent teeth. Bridge placement, on the other hand, requires your teeth to be cut down to proper size for the bridge placement, which can negatively affect your surrounding teeth. Dental implants are also just as functional and durable as your natural teeth, meaning that there is no need to limit the types of foods you consume out of fear that your implants will be damaged or fall out. Removable partial dentures only have 20% of the functionality of natural teeth or dental implants.

Are dental implants new?

Modern dental implants – ones using titanium screws – were first utilized in the 1940s, but dental implants themselves have been used for thousands of years with the first known placements dating back 4,000 years ago in ancient China. A cast iron implant was recently found in the mouth of a Roman solder that dated back nearly 2,000 years and gold posts were used as dental implants in Egypt two centuries ago, so dental implants are nothing new.

How does smoking affect dental implants?

Implants fail four times more in smokers than in nonsmokers.

Can I get implants if I wear dentures?

No matter how long you’ve been a denture-wearer, dental implants can be placed on anyone with sufficient bone available for implants. Dentures can be stabilized with several dental implants, or they can be entirely replaced with a combination of crowns, bridges and multiple implants.

Are dental implants cost effective?

Dental implants are a cost effective solution for teeth replacement over the long term. Unlike fixed crowns or bridges, which have to be replaced every five to ten years, dental implants are a longer-term solution to replace missing teeth. Many insurance policies are including dental implants as a covered or partially covered expense, making dental implants even more affordable.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about dental implants, contact our All on 4 Dental Implants Center for more information.